06. Трутся лица об наждак (The Faces Are Rubbing Against The Emery). [00:54] 07. Драматургия...Летаргический сон (Dramatic Art...Lethargic sleep). [00:36] 08. Los Weiter. [00:41] 09. Всё не катится, всё уже прикатилоl (All Is Not Rolling All Has Already Roller. To Hell!). [00:06] 10. Сквозь крюки тупые (Through The Blunt Hooks). [02:58]
Oneroid Blood Pressure
11. Starring Through The Ass And Blood. [02:12] 12. Anal Drilling. [02:29] 13. Before The Carrion. [02:43] 14. Адоподобие садоподобие (Sadomasochistic Hellfuck). [02:14] 15. Фобия глистных инвазий (Phobia Of The Hookworms Contamination). [01:55] 16. Where Girls Learn To Piss On Command (Cock And Ball Torture cover). [01:39]
Cостав VX:
Anton Latyshev - Drums Anton Eremin - Guitars, Vocals
Cостав Coprobaptized Cunthunter:
Demon - Drums Gena 'Groboed' - Vocals Max - Guitars
Cостав Oneroid Blood Pressure:
Dyakin Timofey - Drums Valukevich Nikolay - Vocals Pankov Evgeniy - Bass Kamenev Alexander - Gore Performance Dyakin Evgeniy - Guitar